SIPPO Import Promotion Forum 2022: How to finance sustainable trade relations with emerging economies?
SIPPO and Trade Switzerland are again organising the traditional SIPPO Import Promotion Forum on Thursday, 2 June 2022 from 4 pm. This year it will once again take place live in Hall 7 in Basel and will also be broadcast digitally with an integral translation into English. Its theme is "Bridging the Gap" and it addresses the challenge how SMEs can build and finance sustainable supply chains.

The Import Forum 2022 focuses on the special needs of SMEs when they want to build sustainable and socially responsible supply chains. Trade finance is a key driver for production, trade itself, transport, and processing of all kinds of goods. But the services provided by financial institutions or the public sector are often tailored to larger companies.
There is clearly a gap between the identified needs of SMEs and the existing offer of financing solutions by private financial actors and the public sector?
Renowned speakers will address the gap between the needs of SMEs and the financing solutions on offer. Peter M. Bachmann, Chairman of Pro Fair Trade, will describe the financing solutions SMEs need for a sustainable procurement. Tanja Havemann, Co-Founder of Clarmondial, will describe the financing solutions that enable the development of sustainable and competitive value chains. After a panel discussion with Susanne Grossmann, Co-Head SECO Start-up Fund, Marianna Papadopoulos, Senior Specialist Capital Raising and Syndications and Kgampi Bapela, Head of Agro-Processing and Agriculture, both from the Industrial Development Corporation IDC, South Africa, and Will Coetsee, Managing Director, Botanica Natural Products, South Africa, Monica Rubiolo, Head of Trade Promotion at SECO, will summarise the results of the Import Forum.
The Forum will take place live in Hall 7 in Basel and will be broadcast on the Internet with integral English translation.